JGS Roses - rose pruning and rose care

Rose gardening & rose pruning
(Perth, Western Australia)

Book with JGS to have your roses pruned

JGS Roses

All about roses with by JGS Group AU

JGS Group AU can help you with your roses by providing the following services:

  1. Rose pruning
  2. Planting roses
  3. Treating roses for diseases and pests

Follow our blog for more information on roses, pruning, diseases and pests and more!

Caring for your roses all year round!

Your roses need care all year round!

JGS Roses cares about your roses and we will do everything we possibly can to care for your roses when we visit.

We will check the soil, check to see if they are getting enough water and make sure they aren’t being over watered. We check for bugs and diseases and if they are hungry for food, we will feed them.

Tidying them up, giving them a light prune when needed will help with their growth.

JGS Roses offers care packages and if you need to know more call John on 0409 701 251. Or click on the button below and sign up for our monthly rose care plans.

All About Roses - What's happening!

JGS Rose Care
Rose Care

Caring for your roses

If you care for your roses all year round your garden will display beautiful blooms and healthy looking roses. Pruning your roses the right way is crucial to how your roses grow. If I am asked to come and look at a garden with roses, what I am looking for is how the previous prunes

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Diseases & Pests

Chilli Thrip – a hard pest to eradicate

Here in Western Australia, we have chilli thrips also known as Scritothrips dorsalis. They are a sap sucking pest that can cause damage to roses, citrus and other plants. They are particularly active in spring, summer and autumn especially if the weather is hot and humid. Chilli thrip causes deformities in the flowers, stems and

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Before pruning a climbing rose

Help, my roses are dying.

One of the best jobs in the world is caring for roses. In fact, even though it Is part of the work I do I often see it has a fun thing to do but it can also be a sad part of my work because I am often called out to look after roses

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The Heat Can Affect Roses

Our temperatures here in Western Australia can sometimes be extreme. We can experience extremely cold weather and we can experience the heat and just recently we have had some very hot days in the high 30s to 40 degrees. The heat affects us to the stage that we feel we will wilt, and we must

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Summer Pruning in Perth

JGS Roses is now providing summer pruning for your roses. Some of the benefits of pruning in summer includes refreshing your roses which will then encourage a fresh flush of flowers on your rose plant or bush. It may take 6 to 7 weeks, but it will be worth it and it will also reduce

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Remembering Ella

My love for Rose Pruning grows more and more every year. I started pruning roses when my business was relatively young, but I wasn’t as confident back then as I am now. The business I was started has certainly grown and with it, the rose pruning side of my business has expanded, and I am

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black spot on rose leaves
Diseases & Pests

Black Spot on Roses

There is no rose-growing area in Australia that is free from Black Spot but you’re roses are move likely to be infected if you live in an area with high summer rainfall and high humidity.
So, wherever you live Black Spot is going to be a problem that you have to deal with and the battle will be ongoing. Now that doesn’t sound terribly encouraging but, with the right care, your roses can have a better chance of fighting off black spot infection.

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mildew on roses
Diseases & Pests

Mildew on Roses

Powdery mildew on roses can make them struggle for survival. Here is some information about mildew on roses and some things you can do to save your roses from mildew

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sugar cane mulch
Mulches & Soils

Sugar Cane Mulch for Roses

JGS Group AU will be using Sugar Cane Mulch for roses. Sugar cane mulch is great for roses because it breaks down fairly fast and stays moist and encourages soil organisms which is good for your gardens. Other benefits of using Sugar Cane Mulch include: Controlling weeds Helps with disease protection Maintains consistent soil temperatures

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chilli thrips
Diseases & Pests

Identifying & Treating Chilli Thrips

Identifying Chilli thrips A Chilli thrip is about 2 millimetres in length which makes it a bit hard for most of us to actually see without a magnifying glass and, while you would expect to see the larvae on the top surface of the leaves, you will also find adult thrips on the underneath surface

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chilli thrips
Diseases & Pests

Chilli Thrips and Your Roses

Chilli thrips … who would have thought that a bug with a name like that would be a major pest that rose growers would have to contend with. Not even their official name … Scirtothrips dorsailis … would give you any indication that these bugs had a voracious appetite for roses, but they do …

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Rose Gardens

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