JGS Roses - rose pruning and rose care

Rose gardening & rose pruning
(Perth, Western Australia)

Chilli Thrip – a hard pest to eradicate

Here in Western Australia, we have chilli thrips also known as Scritothrips dorsalis. They are a sap sucking pest that can cause damage to roses, citrus and other plants.

They are particularly active in spring, summer and autumn especially if the weather is hot and humid. Chilli thrip causes deformities in the flowers, stems and shoots. Unfortunately, this pest moved down from the north of the state and has become very active in Perth gardens.

I’ve seen chilli thrip in numerous gardens that have roses, and I have been working on solutions to try and eradicate this pest.

I try to monitor the roses and look for chilli thrips when they are most active so that I can remove the affected leaves and foliage. What I look for is the brown scarring along the leaf veins, flower buds and I look for light brown spots on leaves and I look to see if there are curled leaves and deformed flowers or shoots. I also look to see if I can see the chilli thrip.

I will remove the affected leaves, stems and flowers carefully cutting it away and putting the green waste in a plastic bag and bin it. I don’t mix this with other green waste.

Over time I have tried several solutions, but a lot of the premium sprays cost a lot of money so now I am looking at natural solutions and it appears to be paying off.

Several clients unfortunately felt that I had lost control of the chilli thrip. However, monitoring infected plants and caring for them on a regular basis is key to staying on top of this issue. Cutting the infected areas away, leaving them for months is not the perfect solution. During those humid / wet months it is best to check your roses every two weeks, or you will never get on top of it.

If you want to learn how to care for your roses, ask me and I will organise a time to show you how to look after your roses all year round.

John Kelly


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