Rose Pruning Australia
Western Australia

Rose Pruning in Western Australia should take place in the cooler months of June, July & August. Read more…

It’s best to prune roses by the end of July. If you have roses in pots, repot every 2 – 3 years into a good quality potting mix. Root prune by at least a 1/4 as well as pruning top hard. Water in well with Seasol.

You can start pruning roses in July and in cold areas pruning in August is ideal to avoid frost damage.
South Australia

July is the best month to start pruning but in areas where it gets really cold, look at pruning through August when it is slightly warmer to avoid frost damage.
New South Wales

In the mild areas of NSW July is the ideal month to prune your roses. However in the colder areas it is better to prune in August.

In areas where there are late frosts it is best to prune your roses just before the leaves burst. You would do this so that the plants are set back for a couple of weeks and are less likely to be hit by any late frosts. Prune back vigorously then feed and water them.

Ideally it is recommended to prune your roses in June or July but in very cold areas early August is the best time to do this. Tasmania does get quite cold so think before your prune too early to avoid frost burn.
Northern Territory

In the Northern Territory (Top End) lightly pruning your roses throughout the year is recommended, followed by a harder prune when the plant is older. During the flowering period, prune by deadheading the old flowers to re-energise or revitalise the plant and produce new blooms.