JGS Roses - rose pruning and rose care

Rose gardening & rose pruning
(Perth, Western Australia)

All About roses

black spot on rose leaves
Diseases & Pests

Black Spot on Roses

There is no rose-growing area in Australia that is free from Black Spot but you’re roses are move likely to be infected if you live in an area with high summer rainfall and high humidity.
So, wherever you live Black Spot is going to be a problem that you have to deal with and the battle will be ongoing. Now that doesn’t sound terribly encouraging but, with the right care, your roses can have a better chance of fighting off black spot infection.

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mildew on roses
Diseases & Pests

Mildew on Roses

Powdery mildew on roses can make them struggle for survival. Here is some information about mildew on roses and some things you can do to save your roses from mildew

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chilli thrips
Diseases & Pests

Identifying & Treating Chilli Thrips

Identifying Chilli thrips A Chilli thrip is about 2 millimetres in length which makes it a bit hard for most of us to actually see without a magnifying glass and, while you would expect to see the larvae on the top surface of the leaves, you will also find adult thrips on the underneath surface

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chilli thrips
Diseases & Pests

Chilli Thrips and Your Roses

Chilli thrips … who would have thought that a bug with a name like that would be a major pest that rose growers would have to contend with. Not even their official name … Scirtothrips dorsailis … would give you any indication that these bugs had a voracious appetite for roses, but they do …

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